Monday, July 4, 2011

First Hair Cut

lovin on his Shamu stuffy he got at Sea World ~ on our way to get a haircut
 That moment in time, I personally had been dreading finally arrived. The "first" haircut. It felt like in one snip on the scissors my "baby" was gone.... But after settling into the fact that it really needed to be done, I was okay with the idea, and actually had fun watching my "little peanut" become a our "little man"
He did so well, only fussed a few times while the lady tried to put the smock on him, then he wiggled around  a few times then sat still and did a great job. Luckily, we don't have any holes in the hair from a sudden jerk, and most importantly no melt downs. Yay, for a successful trip to the barber.
 Hanging with Daddy, before the haircut
 One last "before" picture
 Beep Beep..... this one is for Grandpa Steffen
 The first snip...... No turning back now, bye bye baby, hello little man !!!!
 What is this lady doing to me...... make her stop
 Yep, we really did need this haircut. The mowhawk had to go
 Almost done.......
Ta Da...... Don't I look handsome..... Beep, beep.... 

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Mr. and Mrs. Garvey

Mr. and Mrs. Garvey
Our Wedding Day- October 13, 2007