Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hunter Goes to the Movies

Our little man went to his first movie !!!  Our local theater plays a "kidtoon" movie on Saturday and Sunday mornings. It's only an hour movie and only $2.00 tickets. So if things aren't going well, you don't feel too bad leaving early. Hunter did really well for the about 45 minutes. The day we went we saw a movie with Olivia the Pig. It was a really cute Christmas movie that kept the attention of our very active little man.
Who needs Pop corn when you have Goldfish crackers !!!!
Out in the lobby they had life sized chipmunk characters. Who I thought would be cute for a picture. Hunter on the other had wanted NOTHING to do with them, and couldn't get away fast enough. At least I got a picture with all of them, not necessarily what I was going for, but we got something. Fun times !!

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Mr. and Mrs. Garvey

Mr. and Mrs. Garvey
Our Wedding Day- October 13, 2007