Thursday, August 11, 2011

17 Fun things about our 17th month old

Playing inside his toy box
  1. Tips the scale at 23 pounds
  2. Is 31 inches tall
  3. Has 8 teeth ( 4 on top, and 4 on the bottom)
  4. Loves his plastic spoons and Tupperware bowls (favorite toy, at least this week)
  5. Has to watch Cat in The Hat while eating breakfast every morning
  6. Favorite foods: Ham, mac and cheese, blueberries, strawberries, grapes,green beans,cream of wheat, mini wheat cereal
  7. New foods: chicken, tomato's drizzled with vinegar, raw broccoli, mashed potato's and broccoli
  8. Empty boxes will entertain for hours
  9. Has become great friends with Shelby, and has a love/hate relationship with Sierra
  10. Loves his musical toys (drum,shakers)
  11. Washes his hands in the sink before meals
  12. Loves Elmo and Big Bird
  13. Can climb on the furniture
  14. Can say " NO"
  15. Loves Balloons
  16. Likes to be outside
  17. Can sign "please, milk and more"
Playing with his trains (notice the plastic spoon)
Sitting in the rocker, reading his favorite book while holding his plastic spoon 
Eating pudding is a dirty job, but someone has to do it !!!!!

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Mr. and Mrs. Garvey

Mr. and Mrs. Garvey
Our Wedding Day- October 13, 2007