Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Snowing in Houston !!!!!!

Can you believe this wonderful sight
Yes, that's right..... It's snowing in Houston, TX tonight :) It's been a very cold,wet day here in Houston, (31-35 degree's) and tonight it finally let the white fluffy stuff fall. I couldn't resist taking pictures of the snow here in Texas for the second time in 5 1/2 years. Not a lot of accumulation as of now, but it's still coming down pretty good. Who knows we might be building a snowman in the morning.

Sierra trying to figure out what the white stuff was..... she didn't stay out for long, she's a "Texas Pup" and likes the warmer weather (we might have to buy her some boots if we ever move north)- Shelby on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with going outside and only peaked her nose out the back door !!!

Greg and I returned from our trip to Chicago on Friday night. It was hard to leave, but also nice to be back home. We found out last week, that we will not be moving to Kansas City. Greg will be returning to the Houston branch for now starting at the first of the new year. It was a hard blow for us to find out, but we've excepted it for now, and can only continue to pray for something even better to come along.
In the meantime, we are getting very excited for my parents to come spend Christmas with us. The "girls", are even excited about the possible walks they might get to go on. :) I doubt the snow will still be here by then, but you never know.
Happy Holidays,
Tina and Greg

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow......

As you can see I finally got to see this wonderful white stuff, that I've been crying to see for so many years. I know everyone who lives in the Chicago area, is hoping I go home soon. ( I wish I could take the snow with me back to Houston) But thanks for putting up with me and all my prayers for snow while we were here. :) On Monday morning this was the sight we woke up too...... Oh, how exciting it was to finally see snow again !!!!!

More of the awesome snow !!!!!

On Sunday- we made the ever so famous Grandpa Marino Chocolate Chip Cookies with his mom and Grandma. It was well worth the wait of 8 years to finally taste the cookie that everyone spoke so highly about. YUM-O !!!!! Above is a picture of Greg melting the butter in a sink of hot water.

Greg with 2 of his high school buddies- Scott and Joe

Tuesday night we meet up with Scott and Nancy and Joe and his 2 girls for dinner at one of their favorite spots from High School. We had a few hours to hang out and catch up with them. Many stories were told of their days in High School...... Thanks for meeting up with us guys, it was great to see you both.

Scott and Nancy

Joe's girls eating the enormous tenderloin sandwiches (can you believe the size)

Today is Thursday the 4th of December, and were enjoying our last day here in Chicago. It's been so relaxing and nice to spend time with friends and family. Sorry that we didn't have the chance to see Denise and Alan, hope you two are feeling better.

Thanks again to everyone who made us feel so welcome. It truly was nice to see you all, and we hope to get back to the windy city again sometime soon.


Greg and Tina

Mr. and Mrs. Garvey

Mr. and Mrs. Garvey
Our Wedding Day- October 13, 2007