Just finished eating a fruit bar
Hunter: Can you believe that he's almost 11 months old already !!! Our little "Peanut" has turned into a little "Monkey" with a whole lot of energy. Each day brings a new discovery and challenge, but we are loving it. At his 9 month check-up, Hunter had lost a little weight and his Doctor was a little concerned. We had him back in this past week for a recheck of his weight and I'm happy to say that he gained. He now weights 18 pounds 3 ounces and is 29 inches long. He's still very low on the growth chart for his weight, but with the way he's taken to eating "table" food I don't see him staying on the low side for long. This kid will eat anything and everything you put in front of him, and still look for more. Some of his favorites are grilled cheese, black beans and avacodo's.
He is very much an explorer with no fear. He's into everything these days, and keeps me on my toes chasing after him. He has proven that he can indeed crawl, however he likes to take the easy ride and army crawl. He is able to pull himself up on everything, and has even climbed a few stairs and tried to climb over the gates we just put up. 100 % boy is all I'm going to say.
We finally found a great playgroup in our area, and have become exteremly active with all the different activities. Above is Hunter at a playgroup this past week, celebrating Austriala Day ( I guess it's like our July 4th Holiday) Hunter even tried some vegemite on a cheese cracker. He ate it, but didn't seem to interested in wanting more...geez I wonder why???? Although, it appears we may have a "bully" on our hands. Hunter does not like to share toys with any of his friends, and will crawl right up to them if they have something he wants and just rip it right out of the hands. And if another Mommy get's out a snack for her little one, my little one is the first on the scene. Yep, that's our little monkey....
Here's our little monkey, looking out the window at the dogs playing in the back yard.
Not only is he an expert explorer, he's also very much into helping Mommy with the chores around the house. He loves to help me fold laundry... making sure that I fold everything at least 3 times. He also is good at light switches, and carrying things downstairs for me.
Here's our little "go-getter" Not to interested in sitting on the scooter, but rather pushing it forward. He's really starting to get the hang of walking, he'll walk about 15 steps holding onto your fingers, before he poops out and starts to army crawl.
Who need's a gate to block the stairs, when you have this....... Well, really Sierra was the motiviating factor to get Hunter to climb 9 stairs all by himself.
Sharing Animal crackers with Daddy....
Welcome to Hunter's new Play Room..... after spending days trying to figure out how to make the gates work in our family room, we realized that was a loss cause and moved all the toys to our front room, where we can keep our little monkey safe (and not to mention the dogs away from his toys)
Me: I've been keeping very busy with the daily grind of life as a "Stay at home Mom" With making time for the gym, playgroup activites, working at Panera a couple of hours a week, chores and taking care of my boys. Doesn't leave much time for "me" but I wouldn't trade any of it. With each week, comes a new obstacle and hundred smiles,giggles and so much love, but it still makes me take a step back, and wonder how working mom's make it all work. I just wish there were just a couple more hours eachday to accomplish my "To Do List" Oh well, what doesn't get crossed off today, just get's added to tomorrow. No wonder my list never get's any shorter.....
Greg showing off his awards he won at the Regional Meeting in Dallas
Greg: Has been very busy with work, his branch finished 2010 #2 in the country. Way to go Honey !!! And starting March 1st, he will be taking over the McAllen branch (which includes Corpus Christi and Laredo) This will be a challenge for him, but also a good learning experience and hopefully a good stepping stone for a bigger branch up North at some point.
Foot print Snowman- 10 months old
Several weeks ago, Hunter and I hosted a play date at our house. We welcomed 9 little one's and their mommies into our home for a fun morning of play, crafts and snacks. It was a fun morning, and a great way to end the long week that Greg was in Dallas.
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