WOW ~ February came and went.... One day it's the beginning of the month and then the next it's the end of the month. Not really sure what happened to the middle. Needless to say, we've been busy.
Hunter got really sick towards the end of the month with an upper respiratory infection which caused some dehydration that took us to the ER one night and kept us home bound for about a week and half. On top of being sick, we decided it was time to do some "sleep training" which I thought was going to be super hard for all of us, but it was actually really easy. Now with naps and bedtime we rock for just a couple of minutes, give hugs and kisses and into the crib he goes. Sometime days he'll play for 30 minutes before falling asleep, others he's out cold before we get back downstairs. It's definitely made a big difference in our evenings. (we now have some "down" time each night- without the stress of trying to get him to sleep) And best of all- he's back to sleeping through the night... Yeah for us !!!!!
Greg ~ Officially took over the McAllen branch and made a three day trip down there to meet the guys and some of the key customers in the area. Minus the problems with the computer system this month, he's doing really good, and continues to take his job by the horns daily.
And Me ~ well, I've been busy with the daily routine of keeping the house clean and in order, Hunter happy and finding a balance between play group outings and the gym. Oh, and planning the big "First Birthday" party. Which I think was a bigger task than I thought (probably because I'm still in denial that this day is fast approaching) Looking back a year ago, I was so excited to finally be nearing the end of the pregnancy and the anticipation of holding our "little peanut" for the first time, I was wishing the days would go faster, and here I am now wishing the days would slow down.

Above is Greg and Hunter reading Cooper Bear's Big Bear Hug, it's an interactive story from Hallmark and such a cute story(Thanks Gpa and Gma Garvey). It has become one of Hunter's favorite stories and he loves the bear.

Happy Valentines Day........

This was the only picture of could get of Hunter in his Valentine PJ's. This is a daily game between him and Sierra.... they try to exchange toys, Hunter tries to share snacks (when Mommy isn't looking)

Hunter had his first Valentine's Day party~ with valentines for his friends and a decorated box. I think Hunter did a great job decorating his box......

Here is Hunter looking at all his Valentines he received from his friends. We had such a fun day over all. Hunter and I went and got some "fancy" cupcakes for Greg (and they were yummy) then we went got a few balloons, not such a good idea.... Hunter screamed all the way home and then had this scared looked on his face every time we went near the balloons. By the end of the night Hunter warmed up to the idea of the balloons and as long as you were near him, he was okay with them....
More updates to come ~ as we are in Houston this weekend for Hunter's big Birthday Bash,and his first trip to the Rodeo. Then Monday we are hosting a playgroup Birthday Party and then Tuesday is the" Big Day" boohoo...sniff sniff....
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