Baby it's cold outside..... I know you all are probably thinking "how can it be cold in Texas?" but it truly has been down right cold the past couple of days. So with that being said, along with Greg in Dallas, Hunter and I have had to get a little creative with daytime routines. Sunday night we went to Panera for dinner. A little Mommy- Son date night. We shared some mac and cheese and a hot fresh french baguette.. Yummy !!!!

Tuesday morning it was only 32 degree's and I surely wasn't feeling like going to the gym. So I pulled out the big guns and got out the alphabet mat for Hunter to play on. But instead he had more fun taking the pieces apart faster than I could put them together, so I made a life size block and boy did that entertain most of the morning. Lesson learned this week, pulling out "new" toys from time to time is such an entertainer in it's self. So my new mission is to separate Hunter's toy's into several baskets and rotate them every couple of days.

Even Sierra was feeling the effects of the cold.. After playing outside for about an hour, she came in a cuddled right up with the blanket. Oh, what will these dogs do if we ever get the chance to move back north. I'm thinking they will need wool coats and fur lined boots to survive the bitter cold of the north.

Seghetti for the first time.... I've been testing the waters with different foods lately with Hunter. Tonight's menu tasting. Spaghetti.... What a funny site that was to watch, it took him a few minutes to even touch the noodles, then he realized they would be fun to wave around, then after watching me slurp a few noodles.... He got it.... I am proud to say, we have a Noodle Slurpper !!!!!

There's a noodle on my head Mom.... "How did that happen?"

One happy and messy little boy

And of course, every mess must have it's own clean up crew. Unfortunately, our clean up crew is learning to like people food right along with Hunter.
1 comment:
Oh, how I miss the days of introducing new foods!!! Whether they liked the food or not, it was always so funny. Making a block with the mat squares was a brilliant idea! Need to try that in the nursery at church. Y'all stay warm!! Today is jammy day for me & Cullen. We don't have to go anywhere :)
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