It still blows my mind with how fast a single day can fly bye in a blink of an eye. Each morning I make a mental list of "Must Get Done's" and I'm luck if I even start one of them. But I guess at this point in the game, as long as Hunter is happy, feed and has clean clothes and diapers were all good and should consider the day a big success.
So let's do a little back tracking and catch you all up on what's been happening here in the big "T".
Greg spent back to back weekends away from home several weeks ago, leaving me a little crafty time..... So you ask, what did I do with my time? Well, I managed to hang a border in our downstairs bathroom, which sparked my nerve to venture onto a much bigger project. Painting a wall in our family room, RED !!!! Yep, that's right... I did it. I had been talking about it for months hoping that Greg would help me, but we just never had the time. The finished project, I think looks pretty good, I need to do some minor touch-ups here and there. But I think it looks rather nice.
We also managed to FINALLY get our garage cleaned out and organized. And can actually pull my car in now. Now we just need to have a garage sale and get rid of alot of junk, and we'll be doing good.
Hunter is now sitting up all by himself, although he would much rather lay on the floor, he is getting much better about sitting up to play.
He has his first tooth breaking through the gums. I must say I have a whirl wind of mixed emotions on this teething experience. I was super excited when I first saw it, then it hit me... my baby is growing up way to fast. Then we had 2 nights of NO sleep, with a fever, congestion and a whole lot of crankiness, all I could think about was how much longer until all his teeth are in and we won't have to go through this again. ( until the next kiddo)
I should also mention that he is rolling all over the place, he's started propping himself up on his arms and starting to get a knee under him. It won't be long before he figures out the crawling thing. He weighs 16 pounds 14 ounces and is about 26 inches long. We're currently in a very awkward phase of sizes for clothes. He's in 12 months-PJ's, 6 month pants, and any where from 6-12 months in shirts. I just had to go get him some smaller sized winter type clothes the other day. I have a dresser full of 12 month stuff that we got from family and friends that I was sure he would be able to wear right away, at this point we'll be lucky to get him in them at all.
Keeping checking back for more updates~ Lots of Hugs !!!!
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