Our little Hunter is 8 months old and growing and changing with everyday. With each new day brings us a new adventure, some good and some not so good.
We just returned from a short trip to Chicago where we said good bye to Greg's Grandma who passed away right before Halloween. Although, the trip was emotionally draining, it was so awesome to be back up North during the Fall. The tree's were spectacular, Goebertt's Pumpkin Patch was just as I remembered, and the apple cider doughnuts were AMAZING !!!! The only thing that we were missing was the snow.....
~ 17 pounds and 28 inches long
~ First tooth is making a grand appearance
~ Sitting up all by him self
~ Starting to make an attempt at pulling up on something
~ Does not like it when you take a toy away from him
~has gone from sleeping all night - except for maybe 1 night a week, to only sleeping the entire night 1 night a week.
~One quick speedy little roller.... don't blink or he'll be gone
~Loves playing peek-a-boo
Is 100% boy- loves playing in the dirt and will roll over anything (even if it hurts) to get what he wants
~LOVES watching Toy Story
~ LOVES his vegetables, not much of a fruit eater anymore.
~Does not like having to wear a coat
~Overall, one happy little guy !!!!
Thank goodness we have a park at the end of our street....
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