Cute as a button and already 6 months old

As a little girl not so many years ago..... It seemed like the days and months would crawl by, but now as an adult and parent I feel that if I blink for just a second I'm going to miss something in Hunter's life. I'm still trying to figure out where the last year has gone. I guess switching jobs, moving to a new city and having a baby might have something to do with the lack of memory of this past year. But how did our little man get so big so fast and is now 6 months old. The only answer to that question ~ we must have blinked....

So this afternoon Hunter and I ventured to our first Doctor's appointment alone (without Daddy) All went well, if you take the hour and 20 minutes we waited in the examine room for the doctor. Good thing I packed lots of magical toys and The famous Barney Book in the bag... Our little champ took his shots with only a few tears, and then smiled as big as could be at the nurse as she left the room. I will have to admit, I was completely perplexed by the conversation I had with his Doctor- it went a little like this. Doc- "So is Hunter talking yet or pointing at things he is wanting?" Me- NO, should he be at 6 months????" Doc- well, most babies his age are saying words like Mama or Dada and can communicate what they want" Me- "well, his cries are different when he's tried, or hungry" Doc- "well, we'll see how he's doing in 3 months-we may need to send him to a developmental specialist" Me-(thinking to myself) SERIOUSLY LADY, he's only 6 months old. Now I know I joke about him becoming a doctor by the time he's 12, but talking at 6 months that's just crazy....

So our "Little Man" is 6 months old and here are a few new and exciting tid-bits about him
* He's 16 pounds 4 ounces
* 26 inches long
*No sign of any teeth- coming yet
*Is now eating baby food- loves applesauce and carrots and does not like peas
*Does not like to get his face washed after eating....
*He's rolling all over the place
*Now has a high chair or as we call it "the big boy chair"
*Still does not like to take naps
*loves to pull on hair, necklaces,earrings ect....
*Loves the water - bath tubs or swimming pools

We've got a mover on our hands...

Trying out his "big boy chair" for the first time...
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