A Long Holiday Weekend, Houston, and Daddy's Birthday.... what could be better !!!!!
Happy Birthday Greg "Daddy"

A long weekend in Houston only means one thing... Lot's of fun and great friends. Labor Day weekend most people head for the hills for the last ditch effort for some camping or to just get away from the crazy city life. Us on the other hand, head straight for the crazy city of Houston. Glad we made the trip, it was a busy weekend for us but so worth it. One of our friends celebrated his 40th birthday, I got to have a "girls" night out dinner.. sort of... Dinner with the girls yes, but had Hunter in tow as well. Maybe next time ladies, Daddy will take the little guy for a few hours. Then we had an awesome dinner with lots of friends from church and work who helped Greg celebrate his birthday. And sadly on our way out of town we stopped to bid farewell and best wishes to some good friends who will be moving to Saudi Arabia in October.

Enjoying the beautiful weather we had in Houston. Yes, I did say beautiful... not to hot or humid.. Just right for a dip in the pool at the hotel. Hunter is becoming a little water baby. Loves his bath time and really enjoyed the 20 or so minutes we spent in the pool. He even did a couple of unplanned faced plants that didn't even phase him.

It took some serious "sweet" talking to get Daddy to join us in the pool, but we did it... and between you and me, I think he actually enjoyed it !!!!!

Greg's Birthday Dinner was at a Japanese Steak House. It's one of his favorite places to go, so we go just about every year. Hunter was a little unsure of our chef and his show, but didn't cry to stared with super wide eyes....

Not sure who is more excited about blowing out the candle. Greg or Joe..... Or maybe Joe is wondering where the other 28 candles are... I'm pretty sure Greg has finally come to terms with "29 and holding"... That's my story and I'm sticking to it :)

"29th" Birthday Family Photo...

For Mike's Birthday party his wife requested that everyone wear black... well, Hunter was going to need a black outfit. My crafty little mind went to work and off to our favorite hang out these day's- Hobby Lobby we went... A little fabric paint and black T-Shirt and wal-la... instant party shirt...

Happy Birthday Mike- Here's to another 40 !!!!!!
Thanks to everyone in Houston who helped make our weekend a lot of fun and full of great memories. We truly do miss you all. And best wishes to Mike, Angie, Carter and Owen Dille as they get ready for the adventure of a life time with their move to Saudi Arabia, we're going to miss you guys.
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