Can you believe that Hunter is already four months old? I'm still trying to figure out where the time has gone. Hunter went to the doctor on Monday for his 4 month wellness check, and he is doing amazing. He now weights 14.11 which puts him in the 50th percentile, and is 25 1/2 inches long- 75th percentile. We've had a lot of new developments over the past month.
~ Hunter has discovered his fist does fit in his mouth if he works at it long enough.
~ Hunter will grab at anything and hang on for dear life. This includes- hair, glasses, jewelry, shirts, fingers and his binky ( just a little warning for his grandma's and grandpa's watch out for your glasses )
~Hunter now can roll from his tummy back to his back, and is getting very close to figuring out how to get past his arm while trying to roll onto his tummy.
~Changing diapers or clothes has now become an Olympic event- or should I say maybe like a cafe roping contest, in which Hunter finds it rather funny to keep wiggling around and pulling his legs out of his shorts faster than you can put them in.....
~He's become very attached to either Greg or I ( who ever is around him more) and will now cry if we move out of his sight.
Overall, everyday is a new adventure full of surprises for us, and we love it....

We got Hunter a new exer-saucer toy last weekend, and he is slowly starting to like it. He is able to stand-up in it and bounce around to all the different toys placed around his chair. These two pictures were taken the afternoon we brought it home for him, so he is really unsure of what to think.

Hunter has figured out how to hold his bottle on his own. (when he'll take the bottle that is)

Hunter is sporting his very stylish sunglasses given to him by his Aunt Linda (thank you) we had to model them before hitting the pool in Houston.

Daddy already has big plans for Monday night Football......

Luckily his only fixed on "his" bottle ~ although, the little smile has me concerned....

We're still a month or so away from football and Daddy is already testing the waters......