On The Road Again..... just can't wait to get on the road again.....
Road Trip....We hit the road for the long July 4th weekend and headed to Houston. It had been 2 months since we had been there, and we "all" were feeling a little "homesick". It amazes me how often we spoke about moving out of Houston, and then when we finally get to the opportunity, we can't wait to go back... Crazy !!!! We ran into some pretty bad rain when we got to Houston, so we had to wait it out in the truck ~ Hence the picture above, we were trying to keep Hunter happy while it poured cats and dogs outside.

We found sometime to meet up with friends at Panera Bread and have breakfast. I'm sad that the only picture we took that morning was with Mike, I had planned on getting a picture with everyone (sorry guys, we'll be back in September and we be taking pictures,so get your smiles ready :)~

Our main reason for leaving San Antonio and heading to Houston was to get away from all the noise of the fireworks. Our neighborhood was crazy with fireworks on New Year's and we knew that Hunter and the rest of the family would not be happy at home on July 4th. So we spent a relaxing day at the Janney's house and enjoyed a good BBQ and some pool time. When we got back to the hotel we realized that the city of Clear Lake was shooting their fireworks off right above our Hotel. We stepped outside to see, and had the perfect view of a good show. Better yet, no traffic or crowds to deal with. Hunter actually enjoyed watching the fireworks, it wasn't until the grand finale that the noise was starting to get to him. Overall, it was a great day and we enjoyed our first 4th of July with our little Hunter.

Chillin poolside and a good dip in the pool !!!!!

Not so sure about the cool water, and no bubbles like his bath, but he did a good job and like bobbing in the water. He's going to be a water baby just like his mommy. We tried to get Daddy in the pool with us, but he was having way to much fun manning the BBQ grill.....
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