So this past week we were without Daddy...... Greg spent the week in St. Louis working on some training stuff for work. Hunter and I had a really good week, even though we both missed Daddy. We managed to get to the gym each morning, kept up with the never ending laundry, took good naps, slept each night (all night), experimented with rice cereal in a bottle right before his afternoon nap ( ahhhh, 2 hour naps are back ) and almost painted a wall in our family room (but thought twice about it without Greg's help- should have just done it, now Greg is questioning my color choice)

We also got Hunter his Bumbo chair while Greg was away. Above is Hunter's first time in his chair. He loves it..... although he doesn't tolerate it for to long, we always get BIG smiles and a few little giggles when we put him it in....
I also got him a Slumber Sack (no more swaddling) and he did amazingly well with sleeping through the night, he got up one night for a few minutes but then went right back down. It's so much easier putting him to bed now without having to swaddle him.... Yeah, for this milestone !!!
No, this is not a crime scene....... On Wednesday afternoon we were playing on the floor, I thought he was watching the dogs play in the front room. NOPE ~ he was sound to sleep !!!!!!

I see you...... I just loved this look on his face.... if he was older, I would have to question his innocence

Can you believe how blue those eyes are... We're still wondering where he got the blue from, since both Greg and I have hazel eyes... He also, has some red tints to his hair as it is slowly turning a light brownish blond color.

It's always better to have both the fingers and the binky in your mouth at the same time.. Right ????

Our first attempt at rice cereal and the spoon... He actually did pretty well, made some pretty goofy faces at first, slowly is getting the hang of it. We're only giving him a tiny amount of cereal each day, as his doctor says nothing but milk until he's 6 months old. But the cereal in his afternoon bottle has made the world of difference in his napping schedule, so I'm totally good with this little experiment.

Just call me "Scooter" I had him on the mat while making dinner the other night and he managed to scoot himself off the mat and into the kitchen, as well as kicking off one of his socks... He's on the move.... watch out !!!!

A little tummy time. He's getting so close to rolling over from his back to tummy. He's figured out that he needs to fling his legs over and go with the flow, but stops on the side... it's going to happen this week, I just know it.....

Here Hunter went from his tummy to his back......

trying SO hard to make it past his arm. I had to work tonight, and Greg called me at work to tell me our little man had figured it out.... That's right, Hunter now can roll from his back to his tummy. I was super excited, but also very sad. I only work about 10 hours a week, and I missed this "first" first. Luckily Greg had the video camera handy and captured the moment for me. My next question was, What's next.........?
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