We forgot to include this picture in our last update, above is Hunter at the Doctor's office for his 4 month check-up. Little did he know, he was about to get his shots. Which he took like a champ and only cried for a split second and was fine after that. He ran a really low fever the next morning for a couple of hours, but bounced right back to his happy little self.
We're having fun this summer ~~~~ despite the wonderful Texas heat and humidity we're finding all kinds of things to keep us all entertained this summer. Hunter is loving his toys more and more each day as he realizes how they work and what he can actually pull towards his mouth. That's his newest trick, everything goes straight for the mouth !!!!!! We've also discovered that he really enjoys story time. And his favorite books are Barney, you can pull one of those books out in the middle of the worst melt down and he becomes the happiest little guy around. ( that's Mommy's newest trick )

Sunday night we grilled out, there was actually a really nice breeze and it was actually bearable out back. So we got the great idea to make S'mores for dessert... YUM-O is all I have to say about that. We haven't done that since Hurricane Ike. The picture above is Hunter relaxing in his stroller on the back porch Sunday night. He was loving it, the cool breeze and watching the birds and the dogs....

The perfect Marshmellow in the works......

Building the perfect S'more ( are you hungry yet?) The yard is looking pretty good, don't you think Grandpa Steffen ????

Daddy showing Hunter what the perfectly toasted Marshmellow looks like. Although, I think Hunter might think his fingers will taste better.

Playtime for the little "king of cute" (that's what his shirt says)

Again, with the fingers in his mouth.
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