Tuesday, October 18, 2011

19 Months Old

Well, our little guy is 19 months old already !!!!  So keeping with our newly found tradition, here are some fun little tid-bits about our little monkey.
San Diego Zoo

1. Weighs 24 pounds
2. Is 32 inches tall
3. Has almost grown out of his size 5 shoes
4. Is wearing 2T shirts, and 12 month pants (although we're about to move to 18mnth's for the length)
5. Can now climb out of his crib
6. Loves to play Ring Around the Rosie
7. Favorite activity is playing outside
Outside the Charger's Stadium

8. Has mastered a somersaults all by himself
9. Has 2 new teeth coming in, for a grand total of 13
10. Cars and Trucks go "vroom vroom"
11. Knows his body parts. (nose,eyes,ears,mouth,belly button and toes)
12. Will only eat Chicken Nuggets and Banana's whole (no more cutting into small pieces)
13. New foods: cauliflower with cheese sauce, carrots, and broccoli
14. Has entered the negotiation phase ( eat 2 bites of this and you can have that) LOVE IT !!!
15. Favorite Things: Elmo, fish, Thomas the Train and Buzz and Woody from Toy Story
16. New Words: "Anke You", "mama" "dada" "hi" "Ball"
17. Favorite Foods this month: chicken nuggets, PBandJ, mac and cheese, grapes,yogurt smoothies
18. Loves to help clean and do laundry (training him early)
19. Still taking 3 hour naps in the afternoon

As you can see, our little guy is keeping us very busy. But on the flip side we've kept him busy the past month with our family vacation to Chicago, then returning home for 5 days before joining Daddy on a business trip to San Diego. It's been a crazy month, but we've experienced so much as a family and made some great memories. Now it's time to get busy on some scrapbooks. After all Hunter is 19 months old, and I have yet to complete a single page in a book for him. YICKS !  So many things on my "Need to Do List" that my "I Want to Do" list never seems to get a fair shot. Maybe someday, I will figure out the balance.

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Mr. and Mrs. Garvey

Mr. and Mrs. Garvey
Our Wedding Day- October 13, 2007