So many pictures taken.... so hard to pick the best, but here it goes
Throwing pennies into the fountain. (cleared out every one's purse's and pockets)
So after spending 10 days in Chicago, we came home for 5 and then took off to San Diego for another 9 days away from home. Are we crazy ? Sure felt like it... But we had a great time while in San Diego. Beautiful weather, family, great food (Portillo's) and fun times and finally getting to see the San Diego Chargers Stadium (high light of my trip)
We hadn't been in the State 24 hours, when we had to make an unexpected trip to the Urgent Care Sunday morning, Hunter had a run in with a banister causing his forehead to swell like an egg. What a scary moment in time. Everything was fine, thank goodness !!!! What a way to start a vacation. I sure hope that's not the start of many more accidents and trips to the ER. (grrrrrr Boys)

Although, Greg was on a working trip. We did get to spend a few days seeing the sights together. On Sunday we drove up to La Jolla. Where they have a great "Children's Beach" Or should I say, it use to be a Children's Beach, but now is home to hundred's of seals. Such a great afternoon we had strolling along the water watching the seals and letting Hunter and his cousin Joshua run and play. I must say, if we ever won the lottery, I just might considering moving to San Diego. The minute we stepped off the plane, I was in LOVE.... but then Greg so kindly reminded me if we were to ever move there I would have to work 2 jobs. So I immediately said "No Thanks" I'll just soak it all up in the next 9 days.
Here are some seals lounging on a rock
Monday, Greg had to work and Hunter and I went to Sea World with Aunt Anne, and cousin Susan and her son Joshua. OH MY....... that is one amazing place !!!!! I thought the Sea World in San Antonio was nice, but after spending the day in San Diego, San Antonio will never be the same. I was so impressed with everything and wished we could have spent more time there. Hunter really loved all the exhibits with the under water viewing area's, and the Turtle Reef area.
If you look close at the right side of his head, you can see the nice pretty battle wound
After spending two days in the hotel, due to rain. I was feeling very brave and ventured off to find the beach with Hunter. Didn't realize it was going to be a 25 mile drive and 2 major melt downs. Over all, it was a fun morning with my little monkey. We played in the sand, I tried to build a sand castle but Hunter kept knocking it down. Then we ventured down towards the water. Wasn't sure what to expect, the last time we had him on the beach he was 7 months old and terrified of the waves. But my fearless little guy, took on the waves like a champ. Splashing in the puddles, that is until one slightly bigger wave got a hold of his little feet and knocked him down. And boy was that water ICE cold. Hence, melt down #1 - me trying to dry him off and get him changed while he is continuing to play in the sand. Probably looked like a WWF wrestling match on the beach. (luckily we were the only ones out there that morning) After that, I was DONE with the beach and started for the car, when melt down #2 occurred. Right in the middle of the parking lot......(one little boy was not ready to go ) "This was a good idea, and yes we had fun" was all I could say to myself !!!!!

Knott's Berry Farm..... What a great place, and what a day of firsts for Hunter. His first carnival ride, actually rode this one twice. Played his first carnival game. And actually did really well at throwing the balls into the cups floating in the water. He didn't win, but sure came close a few times. Had cotton candy for the first (and probably the last) time.
Trying the cotton candy for the first time. The Giant sized Elmo, Greg won for him !!!!
family photo at Knott's Berry Farm
A quick stop to the "holy ground" of San Diego - The Charger's Stadium !!!!!! I was in awwww
The giraffe in the middle is only 2 weeks old. Born at 6'1" and 170 pounds
And we finished up our little working-vacation with a trip to the San Diego Zoo. I had such great expectations going into the zoo, that I think I was a little let down with the overall experience. Don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful place, but not very family friendly. Massive hills, little sidewalks, and TONS of people made it very hard getting around with a toddler in the stroller. Over all we had a great day there, the weather was absolutely beautiful and we saw some pretty amazing animals.
Momma Kola with her baby in the pouch.
A stand off between a toddler and a goat. Guess who won?????
Thanks to Aunt Anne, Cris, Susan and Joshua for making us feel at home and showing us around, we'll be back for sure. ( charger's game for sure next time) We had a great time, and it was so nice to spend time with everyone.