Wednesday, July 13, 2011

16 months and growing like a weed

~16 Months Old ~

Such a little man........

Loves his new table and chairs, I found at a garage sale

Relaxing in the bucket, after he pulled all of his books out of it (it's hard work being the "Texas Tornado"
And so VERY independent- here's the break down on how our little man is doing
~ 19 pounds and 30 inches long, he's lost a little weight since he started walking, but is still eating like a horse so we're not to concerned about his weight.
~Has completely out grown his size 4 shoes (we just bought him a few months ago)
~ Is wearing 18-24 month shirts, 12 month shorts and pajama's (although, those are getting a little tight)
~Eats with a fork really well, and has almost mastered the spoon
~ Understands when you say "time to go night night".... he drops what he is doing and runs for the stairs
~Climbs the stairs all by himself, and gets mad if you don't let him
~ Now knows that milk,water and food come from the fridge, and will go there when he's hungry or thirsty
~ Has developed the start of the "terrible twos" he likes to throw things (especially at the dogs) and seems to enjoy hitting them as well. Luckily, the dogs are tolerating this phase. ( at least I hope this is just a very short phase that we are going through)
~ Still has a very limited list of words, but he understands what you ask him really well. We've been really working on the basic words with lots of repeating and pointing to pictures, so hopefully one day soon he will just explode with his vocabulary.
~ Loves the water, and could play all day in it if we would let him
~ Has started to climb on the furniture
~ Seems to be leaning more towards being a "right" handed person.He holds his fork and spoon with his right hand, and tends to throw with the right. Although, he likes to hold crayons with his left.
~And is still gracing us with 2 naps a day. An hour to an hour in a half in the morning, and 3 hours in the afternoon. Yay, for us !!!!

Everyday is a new adventure for all of us, and we wouldn't change it for the world. The past 16 months have been the best and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us.

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Mr. and Mrs. Garvey

Mr. and Mrs. Garvey
Our Wedding Day- October 13, 2007