Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Whole Bunch of Busy and Fun

So Seriously where is time going these days???  I logged into out blog tonight, thinking "yes, I do need to update it's been a couple of weeks" WOW ~ it's been over a month. So I do apologize for the lack of pictures and stories. With that being said,  I'm going to attempt to fill you all in with all of the details of our very busy, but fun Spring that we've had.  Our little Hunter is now officially 14 months old, and growing like a weed. He's 21 pounds and 30 1/2 inches long. And one very independent little toddler.
~ He's starting to take steps on his own, and with any luck (I think) he should be walking on his own by the end of the week. Each day he's getting braver and tougher. I truly believe that toddlers should learn how to tumble before they walk, because they sure do take some hard hits.
~ He loves looking at books and when you sing to him (most of the time) his favorite songs are "5 little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" (which he knows the word jump and will jump when you sing it) and "The Wheels on the Bus"
~ Just over the past week or so, he's shown signs of actually understanding what you are telling him. He knows the word NO, and will stop-look at you- and continue on. (but at least he stops for that brief moment) he also knows when you ask him where his water or milk is, he will stop and look for his cup, if he sees it, he will go for it. Same with his favorite ball.  It truly is amazing to watch him grow and learn each day.  

The Dog Day's of summer are already setting in on us here in Texas. With temperatures in the
mid-90's every afternoon, it makes playing outside next to impossible. So we got Hunter a water table and giant sized kiddie pool (big enough for Mommy and Daddy as well) And boy, does he LOVE the water. We spend a good hour each day playing in the water, then it's a major melt-down to get him in the house. But it's worth it, we have a blast splashing around and chasing his plastic boats around !!!
No fear of the water !!!!
So most of Hunter's play group buddies, have already had at least one hair cut if not more. Seeing this picture makes me think maybe it's time for us as well. But then I think, that's the only patch of hair this little guy really has. So we're going to hold out a little longer on the "first" hair cut. This hair style is done with smeared grilled cheese in hair mixed with a little applesauce. Who knows maybe we're onto something good for "all natural" hair care products.
After an afternoon of playing outside in the water, we were messing around with putting his swim shorts on his head. This little stinker doesn't like to wear his hat, but wore these shorts for almost an hour. He sure did look adorable, almost like a chef hat.
Right before Easter, our playgroup had an Easter Egg Hunt for the little ones. Not sure what to expect, we let the little one's go and amazingly they caught on pretty quick, especially Hunter once he figured out the eggs were stuffed with treats. yep, that's my kid- always hunting or begging for food !!!! I'm pretty sure everyone packs extra snacks now when they know we will be there. Hunter has the sniffer of hunting dog and will sniff out those snacks NO matter how quite, or sneaky you think you are being. My new saying is now " I promise, I do feed him"
Hunting for treats
Hunter with one of his playgroup buddies Bo. We had Bo for an entire day several weeks ago. After the jealousy cleared the air, all went well. (thank goodness) the boys played really well together, napped at about the same time, and had a blast while eating lunch together.
Easter Sunday, after church we "hid" some eggs in the front yard for Hunter and let him go to town. Of course, if the egg didn't have a treat it was tossed aside and forgotten about. I guess that means next year we will have to stuff all his eggs with some sort of treat.
Hunter trying out the antique hall chair. Just his size !!!
Right before Easter, Greg made a trip to Chicago to help his Mom load a truck with all kinds of things. Boxes, and bins full of childhood memories, toys,papers, hats, stuffed animals, antique furniture, dishes and Christmas decorations. They spent a couple of days going through things and repacking them for the road trip back to Texas. Then the two of them made the long drive here. I was super nervous as to what they would be bringing with them. But we've managed to find a home for most of the items. The antique furniture looks really good, and has given us more storage, especially in the kitchen area.

Hunter with some of his play group friends.
Hunter and Bo watching the garbage truck out front. They were so excited, the banging on the door caught the men's attention and they waved and honked the horn for the boys. Too cute !!!!
One of our favorite playgroup outings to this place. They have a huge inside play area for little guys only. Lots of things to climb on, jump in or pretend with.  It's child proofed, padded and gated so it's a great place to just let them run off their morning energy !!!!!

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Mr. and Mrs. Garvey

Mr. and Mrs. Garvey
Our Wedding Day- October 13, 2007