It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want Too.....

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you......Puppies and Paws was the big theme for the party. Hunter loves his puppies real and stuffed, so we thought that would be a great theme for his first party. It was so nice to see some of our old co-workers and friends that we haven't had the chance to hang out with in several months. A Big thank you to those who made our little Peanut's birthday a very special day to remember.

What's a Puppies and Paws party without Dog Bone cookies. I spent 2 days making and decorating about 100 dog bones

Since we had to travel about 4 hours to Houston, we decided to order a cake for his party.

Hunter's personal cake- and boy did he enjoy it

Cullen helping Hunter open his gifts. Such a cute little guy, full of energy and loved helping Hunter.

What is this, and what am I suppose to do with it.....

hmmm, should I eat some more cake?

This is soooo good ~ and fun !!!!
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