We Wish You A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.....

Merry Christmas friends and family. We sure hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We sure did !!! Had to be the BEST Christmas in my books. Being a parent sure puts a whole new spin and adventure to the whole Holiday Season. I can not wait for the years to come when the magic of Santa comes to life in our home. Although, Hunter was too young this year Greg and I still played out our roles to the fullest. From the shopping, to wrapping and hiding gifts, stuffing the stockings, baking the cookies, eating the cookies and sneaking the gifts under the tree after everyone has gone to bed. I think this dress rehearsal went pretty well- might need to make a few modifications to next year ( like start shopping and wrapping much earlier) Overall, we had such a great time with family this past week, it was one Christmas I didn't want to end.

Trying to get a few good shots for our Christmas cards... Not to bad for the first attempt of the day.

Santa made a stop at the Garvey's. The view of the tree from the stairwell. ( If Hunter was old enough to coming flying down the stairs at 3:00 am this is what he would've seen).

All the stockings were hung with care.

What's a Holiday without a goofy Family Photo.

Us ladies were pleasantly surprised when the guys offered to clean up the kitchen after dinner. Yes, girls that's right... we were told to fill up our wine glasses and go have a seat in the living room. Jealous !!!!!! what a great ending to a wonderful day and dinner. Thanks guys, and you all did a good job ( so far nothing has come up missing)

Wishing I would have taken a picture of the table before dinner, kind of a sad photo...... 6 VERY full adults, one messy child and a whole lot of dirty dishes... but boy, was the prime rib tasty !!

Christmas morning, Hunter decided this was his moment in the spot light and took his first few steps while holding onto the gift above. What a bitter sweet moment, super excited for him, but sad that my little guy is growing up so quickly. But the best part was his Grandparents got to share in this milestone with us. Priceless memory for all of us.

Hunter, just like his Daddy got his first train set for his first Christmas. I have a feeling in the years to come, we will have to set up several tree's in order to accommodate all the different train set's. It was fun to sit back and watch Greg playing with Hunter and the trains. I can only imagine what Christmas time will be like once Hunter has an understanding of trains. Chug-a-chug-a-chug-a-chug choot choot...... whoot whoott...... Maybe I need my very own train set....Just kidding, I think we will have more than enough for all to play fairly.

Greg, Grandpa Garvey and Hunter playing with the train set.

Out to dinner, after a fun filled day of shopping in Fredericksburg. Great way to end a super week with family.

Grandpa Steffen helping Hunter walk around the family room with his new toy from Santa. (sure wasn't expecting him to start walking so soon, Yicks..... am I ready for this crazy adventure to being)?

Santa brought Greg his shirt and my Dad got the same one for his Birthday. Two Pea's in a Pod, is all I have to say. I'm taking beats as to which one will cause the most trouble by wearing this shirt. It's a tough call, could go either way........

Santa also brought Hunter a little scooter. And it sure didn't take to long for Hunter to figure out out how this thing works. He LOVES being pushed around the house, and making frequent stops for interesting items to put in his trunk (which he's holding open, to show you) What fun, we've been having discovering his new toys and what lessons we can start to teach him. He's now clapping his hands, waving hello, and from time to time will sign "more" usually meaning more food. This was by far the BEST Christmas, and it was so awesome to have family with us. Thank you to my parents and Greg's Dad and Stepmom for making the loonnnngggg drive to Texas to spend the Holiday's with us. We love you all, and miss you terribly. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Healthy and Happy New Year !!!
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