Wishing you all a very Happy (and slightly belated) Thanksgiving.... I had every intention to get this posted on Thanksgiving Day, but the time got away from me. I'm still amazed at how fast each day goes by. On minute you're thinking Wow, it's Monday already, and the next minute it's Sunday.... Or in my case, I eagerly await the arrival of Christmas decorations at Hobby Lobby in July, and it seems like such a long time before I can start pushing my luck with Greg and dragging out my own decorations. And Bam... here it is already Thanksgiving.. Gobble Gobble
(Hunter~ taking a little nap before the "big" Thanksgiving feast)
This year Greg's Mom, Rose came down for Thanksgiving. It's been great having her here with us. We've gotten a few outings by ourselves, while Grandma stayed home and watched the little guy. Although, it was strange walking around a store without Hunter, it was a nice break. We even got to go see a late afternoon movie yesterday. We felt like 2 kids in the candy store. Movie theater popcorn and a couple of hours of just us. How easily you forget, what life was like before kids.
(Sierra was little jealous of the napping ~ and decided to join Hunter)
Gobble Gobble ..... Hunter was super excited about his Thanksgiving Dinner. (Turkey with Rice and vegetables)

What's a Thanksgiving Day ~ without setting up and decorating the Christmas tree... The week leading up to Thanksgiving I slowly was pulling out decorations. (didn't want to put Greg in to shock) So the icing on the cake was decorating the tree. Can you believe Christmas is less than a month away. We joined the "crazy" people on Thanksgiving night and ventured out to do some "black Friday" shopping. (sort of) We hit the road that night after putting Hunter to bed, we had our game plan (where we were going and for what) Got to our first stop Toys-R-Us, which opened at 10:00 pm, when we got close, and I mean close, traffic stopped.... people were running down the sidewalk to get in line. That would be the line that wrapped around the building, with about a 100 cars in front of us waiting to get in the parking lot. Greg looked at me, and turned the car around and said "I'm NOT waiting in that line" so we headed home and jumped on the computer and found what we were looking for online (same sale price) Lesson learned, stay home on Black Friday and shop online, so much easier.

We skipped the leftover's the day after, and had Fondue for dinner. Alot of prep work, but we all had a great time cooking our chicken,steak and shrimp right at the table. We also had mushrooms,zucchini and onion rings. Along with the chocolate fondue for dessert- with strawberries, banana's, marshmellows and rice crispy treats. YUM-O !!!!!

We found a place not to far from San Antonio with an amazing Holiday light display. It's on 12 acres of land, with millions and millions of lights. So worth the drive, and is a sure fire way to bring in the Holiday season in style

Alittle Hunter highlights...... he's mastered the arm crawl, and is now quick to get away from you. He loves the dog's hard chew bone. And will crawl over anything to get to it, including just taking it right out of the dog's mouth. The dog's have been amazing with him. He's pulled a few tails, poked some eyes, pulled their ears and taken the bone... With NO problems from the dog's !!!! He also has his second tooth breaking through on the bottom !!!!
We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, we did and can't wait for Christmas !!!
Happy Holidays
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