We're off to the windy city of Chicago

Looking back on our trip, it was so much to cram into a short time with a 5 month old. Luckily he was a champ and everyone we visited was great and tolerated his cranky fits.
The wing of our plane heading to Chicago. We had the Bunny Rabbit, just like the bunny rabbit's we saw at Grandpa and Grandma Steffen's house.
The second photo of my 3 photo ~ art project idea. A morning bubble bath in Great Grandma's kitchen sink.
Hunter's first snuggles with Great Grandma Marino (94yr)
One of my favorite photo's
Say cheese..... Hunter with Grandma Marino
Greg, Hunter, Grandma and Great Grandma visiting with Great Grandpa at the cemetery. It was a tough, but touching morning standing back and watching Greg introduce Hunter to his Grandpa. We only wish Grandpa was still with us and could have held his Great Grandson, but we know he truly appreciated our visit.

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