Happy Father's Day

Hunter and I got a little creative this past week and made some cute little signs for Daddy and Grandpa's. I wasn't sure how the pictures would actually turn out~ but I must toot my own horn and say they came out rather good. We hope all you Dad's out there had a great day, and it's because of all of you that we are who we are today.

Hunter loves his Grandpa's very much, and can't wait to snuggle in August !!!

Daddy showing off his gift from Hunter. We made this collage of pictures for Daddy to put on his wall at work. Again, our creative juices were flowing pretty good that morning at Hobby Lobby.
We also put together a little Brag Book for Daddy to take to work and show off his adorable son.

Mommy had to get in on the awesome black and white photo's we were taking of Hunter-Bear and Daddy. Just had to throw this one in, I know this post is all about Dad's.

Daddy and Hunter-Bear celebrating Daddy's first Father's Day !!!!

Little Hunter-Bear !!!

It's just amazing how much he is changing from day to day. This past week, Hunter managed to roll himself from his tummy to back (once) we haven't been able to get him to repeat that again. However, he is able to go from his back to his side, but still gets stuck on his arm and hasn't quit figured out how to get past it.
Also this week, he has become very fascinated with his hands. He loves to hold them in front of his face and just grasp them together or just wiggle his fingers around. Both Greg and I will sit with him and stare for what seems like an hour at him in amazement. Mornings are the best time of the day. Never thought I would say that. ( I've never been much of a morning person) But Hunter is so happy and smiley and most of all cuddly. There are mornings, when I'm just watching the clock ready to run up the stairs and wake him up, just to see him smile and giggle at me.

All cozy in his Elmo rob after his bath. Thanks Jen and Joe for the rob and slippers !!!

Playing Peek~A~Boo with the blanket. I'm getting better at catching those adorable smiles

Just hanging out ~ Ahhhhh the tough life
1 comment:
I swear Hunter gets cuter every day! I need a snuggle!!!
Love the new blog look, and profile pic! ;)
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