3 Months Old and Growing Like a Weed

Hard to believe this little guy is 3 months already. He's tipping the scales at 14 pounds and is just under 25 inches long. Over the past few weeks, Hunter's personality has really started to develop. He loves to giggle when you laugh, and will imitate a "fake" cough if he hears you coughing. He's gotten to where he needs to see you at all times and will look around until he finds you. Peek-A-Boo with the burp towels has become one of his favorite little games.
Hunter has been in his own room at night for a month now, and it's going really well. He typically will sleep any where from 8-10 hours a night. With the exception of this past week where he's been getting up around 4:00 am and then going back down for a few hours. Not so much fun for me, as I've gotten really use to the long stretches of sleep each night. His napping or lack of, has also improved over the past few weeks. He's taking a morning nap along with a pretty good afternoon nap with a cat nap or two in between.
Hunter has out grown his stage 1-2 diapers and is now in the stage 2 diapers. Most of his clothes are now 6 months. Some of his shorts are still 3 months, but there starting to look like "Daisy Dukes" on him. It seems that each day we find something that no longer fits him, in fact I've almost filled a big plastic tub already with out grown clothes. Each morning I tell him, "he needs to stop growing" and he looks at me and giggles.... I know it's far fetch to keep him little, but I don't know if I'm ready for him to be a "big" boy yet either.
The girls at the gym really love Hunter. They fight over who gets to hold him first each morning, he also seems to have taken a liking towards them as well and greets them with a big smile.

Sierra snuck in a quick kiss, while we were trying to get a picture of Hunter. Opps !!!!

Hunter, playing with Daddy's gray hairs !!!!!!

Almost 25 inches long..... and growing like a weed

3 months old- where has the time gone !!!

We finally finished his room this past weekend. I've had the letters for months, but we just never got them up. But it's finally done !!!!!

We had to mark Hunter turning 3 months old with a family photo. All dressed for church and pictures.

He's really starting to like tummy time. Before he would only tolerate a couple of minutes, now he'll kick and wiggle and try to reach for a toy. It's just amazing how much they change and grow from one day to the next.

One of his favorite "hang out" spots~ he's out grown, now he completely hangs off the edge.

One afternoon last week, we were playing on the floor and Sierra wanted in on the action. She brought over 4 of her toys and laid them by his head and then laid down and waited for him to do something. It was so cute, I just had to take a picture. It's going to be interesting once Hunter is more mobile and actually plays with his toys.
Since becoming a "stay at home mommy" I've gotten back into my love for baking, and have even started to enjoy cooking alittle more. Our favorite channel to watch during the day is the Food Network, as we can always find a new recipe to try. So far we've only had a few misses with side dishes at dinner and desserts have all been really good as well. The guys at Greg's office are also benefiting from my baking- as any extra's get packed neatly and shipped off with Greg in the morning. One of the guys even told Greg " anytime I needed a taste tester, he would be willing".

Have you ever seen such a cute little boy !!!!! one of my all time favorite photos so far.

Memorial Day weekend we made the 5 hour trip to Dallas, so Greg could go to the Brooks and Dunn concert. Let's just say it was on adventure after another that weekend. Between the crazy amount of traffic ( and slow drivers) to the fire alarm going off at the hotel at 2:00 am. Yep, that's right at 2:00 am the fire alarm went off.... I got up and grabbed Hunter, while Greg sat on the bed playing with the AC controls thinking that's what was "buzzing". After standing outside for about 30 minutes while the fire department tried to figure out how to shut the alarm off, we were able to go back to the room. Over all it was a good weekend. We were able to spend sometime with Lori and ate some really good BBQ.

Hunter is lounging at the hotel in Dallas watching the Food Network. One of our favorite channels.

Look I'm all squeaky clean after my bath