8 weeks and getting so BIG......
So I just realized I'm slightly behind in the blogging process. I started this about a week and half ago and never got it finished. We've had some up's and down's over the past week or so, still trying to figure out a schedule that makes everyone happy is a harder task than I ever thought.
Hunter is a great night time sleeper- he sleeps anywhere from 6 1/2 - 9 1/2 hours a night. Yeah for us... but has recently decided that naps are for the dogs only.. Every afternoon we try for a nap and it only lasts about 15-20 minutes. Then evening hits (9:30pm) and the screaming starts, nothing makes this little guy happy until he finally wares himself out around midnight. UGH !!! So we've bought a few books on sleeping and making your baby happy with routines, let's hope we have some success.
Hunter went for his 2 month check up last week. He now weighs 12 pounds 11 ounces, and is 23 1/2 inches long. The Doctor says he looks great !!!! He got 3 shots, not sure if it was harder on me or him (sniff,sniff) but he pulled through like a little champ.
A week of "firsts" this week we've had a lot of our "first times" scary and exciting all in one.
~ First "real" tears from Hunter- broke Mommy's heart to see the tears running down his cheeks after his shots at the doctors.
~ Mommy finally joined the gym- and in turn has to leave Hunter in child care while I work out. It was hard to walk away that first morning, but he did great and I really enjoyed the workout.
~Hunter slept 10 hours last night... YIPPY !!!!
~ I went through his dresser and packed away all his newborn and 0-3 clothes. Most of which he never got to wear. Time for the next baby !!!!
~On Wednesday afternoon I let both dogs out to play and didn't realize they had pushed the gate open. They were out for an afternoon run through the neighborhood. I had just put Hunter down for his normal 20 minute nap, and had to wake him, put him in the car seat and drive the neighborhood looking for our wonderfully, well behaved dogs. Luckily I found them not to far from the house and running together.

I have more pictures to post, and hopefully it won't take me 2 weeks to get it done.
Hugs and slobbery kisses,
Tina, Greg and Hunter
1 comment:
My goodness, Hunter sure looks like Greg! What a handsome little guy!!
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