Well after 11 weeks, I'm finally starting to feel like I've got the hang of this job called being a Mommy. A lot tougher than I ever thought it was going to be, but I do believe we are finally starting to settle into some sort of "normal" ( at least that is my thought today )
This past week went pretty smoothly for the most part. We are continuing our attempts at getting Hunter on a "schedule". He is doing amazing with the morning time. I've been waking him up at 7:30 each morning, changing him and feeding him and then we're out the door at 8:45 and headed for the gym. He's done great in the child care, so far no major problems or out bursts. Then it's home for a mid morning feeding and down for a short nap ( about an hour). Then things get a little hairy, it's up for grabs after that, some days he'll nap for a couple of hours in the afternoon and others he won't let me put him down at all. So we're still a work in progress !!!!!
Greg's been working long hours the past couple of weeks and even working into the early morning hours here at home. Hopefully once they get their new system in place his time away from home won't be so much.
Hunter is ready for church ~ we tried out a new church on Sunday and actually liked it. A lot like Gateway in Houston. Although I don't think we'll ever find a church that we love as much as Gateway. Hunter did fairly well only fussed for a few minutes towards the end.
Hunter has finally graduated from the kitchen sink to the "Big" boy tub and spa... that's right this thing has it's own bubble making machine and shower. So far he loves the water, so I'm hoping he is as much of a water baby as I was....
Hunter has finally graduated from the kitchen sink to the "Big" boy tub and spa... that's right this thing has it's own bubble making machine and shower. So far he loves the water, so I'm hoping he is as much of a water baby as I was....
Lately Hunter starts his afternoon naps in his crib and then ends up in his swing for the last hour or so. He looks so uncomfortable in this picture, but slept like this for almost two hours.
One night last week, little Sierra kept pulling toys out of her basket, we didn't pay to much attention to her since she was being quite. ( that should have been our clue) but she had neatly placed them all right at the bottom of the stairs. Crazy dog !!!! Question was, is she trying to keep us from going up the stairs???? hmmm
As most of you know, I went back to work couple of nights a week, just to get out and have some "people" interaction. My first night back, I had to make sure Daddy was well equipped for his first time alone with the little man.. Lot's of extra clothes for both, burp towels and most importantly mommy's work number !!! All was well, and they both did awesome. One the other hand, Mommy had a hard time being away from her little Peanut.