Okay~ I first must start this blog update off by saying we are truely sorry for the lack of updates over the past month(s). It's been a crazy two months for us, and it still blows my mind that it's almost September already. Since there is a ton of updates and pictures to post, this one will take me several days to publish, so please stay with me on this journey to get you all caught up on the happenings here in Texas.
Right after our last post in July, we were able to head to Colorado for a much needed vacation. Although, it was a world wind of events and adventures it was truely a great time for us. Here a just a couple pictures from my nieces wedding, my parents 50th anniversary celebration and some of our adventures.
The Wedding Party~ Welcome to the family Seth !!!!!

She'll be coming around the mountain, and she did.... what a great surprise for everyone to see !!!

My parents celebrating their 50th Anniversary with friends and family in Colorado !!! Cheers to a great couple, and to many more years.........
So I must bring "Part One" to a close~ look for "Part Two" tomorrow !!!!
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