As promised, here is part two of our adventures this summer. Below you will find pictures of our house and the quick progress it is making. As of now, we are scheduled to close on the house September 15th, putting us about 3 weeks out from completion. Yeah !!!! Although, hotel living has not been that bad we are all very anxious to get moved into our "own" home. The dogs have been spoiled with weekly trips to a dog park to run off some of the energy they keep bottled up with not having the room to run in. We've also put them in a Doggie Day Care a few days ( which is nice for us, they run and play so hard that when they return home they do nothing but sleep for a day or two. AHHHHH !!!! Our sleeping arrangements have become quit comical.... I'm upstairs with Sierra and Greg is down stairs with Shelby... Yes, that's right...... the beds here are much smaller than what the dogs are used to, and there just is not enough room for the 4 of us. So we decided instead of getting no sleep with tossing and turning and tucking for covers we would spilt up in hopes of a few good hours. For the most part it has been working, but there are those nights where one of the dogs is up and feels the need to go outside. Not as easy as it use to be.... we can't just open the door and let them out, it becomes a group project with leasing them up, and us stumbling out to the Doggie Area. UGHHHH .....

The picture above was taken July 15th, not bad for a weeks worth of work

This one was taken July 22nd, The guy on the patio is Greg's boss Mike.....

July 31st, moving day.... we filled this truck and then some.. anyone want to help unpack??????

This picture was taken August 22nd. The outside is complete with the exception of the drive way and yard. The inside is coming along nicely we have painted walls, light fixtures, cabinets, bath tubs, and sinks in the bathrooms, vinyl in the kitchen and breakfast area, and tile in the bathrooms and laundry room. All that's really left is the finishing touches and carpet ( we hope)
We took the dogs to the house the other night for the first time, and boy did Sierra have a great time looking out all the windows, which are "eye" level to her..... Should be an adventure.
As I bring part two to a close, we hope everyone is doing well. Stay tuned for part three and then hopefully we'll be caught up for now.
With love,
Greg and Tina