Even though they are not with us anymore, they will always be a part of our family.

It's Rodeo Time here in Houston~ Opening night at the Rodeo

The Grand Entry at the Rodeo
Every March marks the biggest Event in Houston ~ The Houston Rodeo. This year we ventured to the Rodeo for 3 different shows. Rascal Flats, Toby Keith and Brooks and Dunn. They were all really good shows. Our good friend Lori from Dallas comes in every year for the BBQ cook-off and to see Toby Keith. We had a lot of fun, and can't wait for next year !!!!
April was an exteremly busy month for us. We flew to Arizona at the beginning of the month to help celebrate my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary. Along with a few surprises, we had lined up for the weekend. It turned out to be a great weekend with family. I'm still amazed we actually pulled it off.

The family ( mom and dad, Linda, Will, Greg, Laura and me)
First suprise a success. Linda, Will and Laura flew in and arrived at my parents house while they we at the airport picking Greg and I up.
Surprise number 2~ my mom's brother Roy and his wife Sue would be arriving that Saturday afternoon. The Mission~ keeping mom and dad in the dark, with having to cook "extra" for dinner that night........ Not a problem..... Mission accomplished, and what a BIG surprise !!!!!

When in Arizona, do as the "snowbirds" do..... play shuffle board !!!!
and of course all good games, must have a good cheering section !!!!!!

Mom, Aunt Sue and Will enjoying some cool down time in the shade !!!!
Happy 50th Anniversary Mom and Dad !!!
Mom and Dad with good friend and Minister Wayne
Dad, my uncle Roy and brother Will at the Reception
After returning to Houston, we had just a few days before Greg's mom and Grandma arrived for a visit over the Easter weekend. We had a great time with them here, and the dogs really loved having some extra TLC.
Good Friday ~ we spent touring the Johnson Space Center with Mom and Grandma. It was such a beautiful day- we saw the Training Facility and Rocket Park. We also watched a movie about the Space Program and how far they have advanced, we even had a picnic lunch outside the Center. When we left the Space Center, we took a drive down to Galveston, so they could see the damage that IKE had done.
Saturday we thought we would take a drive out to Brenham, TX where the ever so famous Blue Bonnet's were in full bloom. WOW ~ what a sight, after living here for almost 6 years, we finally saw the fields of flowers, that everyone talks about here in Texas. Of course, I was thinking ahead to Christmas~ and wanted to get a few good pictures for our cards this year. However, we had more trouble getting just one good one. The sunlight, that afternoon- was causing Greg's eyes to water, we tried sitting in different directions, looking down, looking up, looking away..... and well.... here are a few of our funny picutres we ended up capturing that day. Enjoy !!!! ( and who know's which one will end up on our Christmas card)
Smile..... say "Merry Christmas"
Now my eyes and starting to water....

Grandma, Greg and Mom in the Blue Bonnet Fields
Easter Sunday at Church~ The kids get to release Butterflies. The picture below is from Greg's classroom, luckily the rain held off long enough for them to release a few butterflies. It's always a neat experience to see the Butterflies and are kept dormet at 40 degree's in little envelopes, as they start to warm up, they become more active and are ready to be released.

You're up to date!
Thanks for inviting me over for crawfish. It was SO GOOD!
So good to see a post for you two. I love your blue bonnet pictures. The day we went out it was so windy, we didn't get a picture of all four of us because my hair was crazy. You're hair looks fantastic and not windy.
I was surprised to hear your cats were "adopted." We also, had Casey "adopted" this past month. I agree that downsizing makes things a little easier.
How was your apt. on the 7th? I should call. :) and I will soon.
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