Today... well, I guess at this point it would be yesterday was our First Wedding Anniversary. It's so hard to believe that it's been a year, still feels like it was yesterday. Although, we didn't get to spend to much time together today- We had a wonderful weekend together. We went to dinner on Saturday night, and then Sunday we took a drive to Brenham, TX in hopes of finding a Pumpkin Farm ( Nothing beats Goberts, in Chicago)Unfortunatly, we didn't find a Pumpkin Farm, and had to settle with the produce stand pumpkins along side the road.
(Greg and I while dating Christmas 2001)
This year Greg has been on the road traveling about 22 weeks total, so it's been a hard adjustment, but we've managed to find a routine that feels "normal" to us. He is currently working out of the Kansas City, KS branch and will be doing so until the first of the year, hopefully by then we'll get the go ahead to move North.
(This was one of our Engagement pictures)
(This is us on our Honeymoon in Cancun)
These are the beautiful roses that Greg had sent to Panera this morning. What a nice surprise to a Monday morning !!! Thanks again honey for the roses, I will enjoy them all week- I just wish you were here to enjoy them as well.
It was such a crazy busy weekend, that we both totally forgot about eating our wedding cake until about 10:30pm last night. We agreed to enjoy the "yummy" cake this next week, we'll also post some more pictures, so stay tuned. I hope this find you all well.
Lots of Love,
Greg and Tina
P.S. I couldn't resist taking this picture tonight- Our "girls" miss their daddy when he's gone. When your not paying attention to them, they will sit by the front door in hopes that daddy will be home soon. We all miss you :(
1 comment:
Happy Anniversary Guys!!! To MANY more! *CHEERS* Love u Bunches! ~Cin
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