It's been a while since I spelled out the fun facts about our little man. I don't think I can come up with 24 new facts, but here a few.
He's 2 feet 10 inches tall now, He weighs 29 pounds. And he's finally in the double digits on the growth charts @ 50 % in both height and weight. Now that's something to celebrate. Since he's been below 5 % in weight since about 6 months of age. He's got a pretty big vocabulary now, most of it probably only understood by Mommy and Daddy but he's getting better and everyday he surprises us with a new word or two. The latest word is "NO" I was really thinking we were going to get lucky with this one. Although, at this point with the way he uses the word NO, it's pretty darn cute. Pretty sure in a few days or weeks I will think differently. So for now, I will just smile and take it all in ! Our little monkey has no fear and will climb anything. And I mean anything !!! Nothing is safe on the counters and he's in his glory if he has you running in a hundred directions. He imagination is just blossoming and it's so fun to watch him pick up something and pretend it's something else. The crazy thing is, I completely understand what's he's pretending to do, and will join right in on the fun. This kid LOVES to be outside. If he could spend all day outside he would without a complaint in the world.
This is our first attempt at some Bluebonnets this spring. We found a new little patch with a couple of friends, however the boys were all a little cranky and only wanted to show the camera's their back sides. Still a cute picture, but we will keep trying until we get a good face shot.
Dinner on the patio anyone? We attempted eating outside for the first time tonight. Didn't go as well as I had hoped. Hunter only sat for about 3 minutes ( even the cookie already on his plate, couldn't keep him in his chair) So he ran around chasing the dogs with his lawn mower, while I finished my dinner and every couple of laps around the yard he would pull in for a few bites and then carry on. All in all it only took just over an hour to clean his plate. But it was a beautiful evening outside, and we don't have any plans tomorrow so staying up a little later than normal was fine with me. I was having just as much fun watching him as he was having making the laps in the yard.