It may look like an early start to celebrating the Forth of July, but we were actually heading out for a "Mad Hatter" play date. Everyone was required to wear some sort of silly hat. I must say I was really not looking forward to this one, but once I found our hats and we saw all the other "crazy" mommies and kiddo's it was really fun. Hunter is just like his mama and doesn't like to keep his hats on, but this crazy hat stayed on the entire play date.
A few weeks ago, we made a weekend trip to Houston for a Birthday party and our much needed dose of Houston. It's crazy to think about how much we talked about always wanting to get out of Houston, and now we can't wait for our weekend trips back. Although, we have settled into life in San Antonio, we still miss what we had in Houston. The picture above was taken at the Birthday party which was outside on a very hot afternoon. They had a swimming pool and huge water slide to help keep everyone cool, but it was still really hot and humid.
this is how we usually find him.... |
One of Hunter's new tricks is, dumping out a bucket and climbing into it. This picture was taken after he struggled for about 10 minutes pulling out all of his books from the bucket, and then figured out how to climb in it, all while holding his favorite book.
We recently got a new camera, and it seems the only place we can get a good shot is while sitting in his high chair. So we've been doing alot of playing around with it during meal times. Above and below are a few of the really good ones that we got tonight during dinner.
Oh my, life is tough when your little |
This is what we call the "Texas Tornado" |
So Hunter has had several nicknames in his short little life. We started with Peanut, then we had Bubba and Hunter Bear, moving onto to Monkey and now the best one yet. Texas Tornado. In a matter of about 5 minutes this is the damage our little Tornado can do.
Hunter found and was in "Love" with this poor little kitty. He was so sweet and loving to this kitty. Nothing else mattered ... Different toys, food, the other kids. Nope just the kitty, and when it was time to leave we had a major melt down.