Okay, here is the long awaited, "just how big is Tina now" picture. This was taken on 12/1/09 at 27 weeks, and counting..... Things are moving along nicely so far. "Peanut" is gaining strength everyday with his kicks and punches. I've been feeling good, except for the sharp pain in my lower back which has traveled down my right leg- making life a little painful right now, but according to the doctor nothing to worry about and is "normal" Greg "finally" felt the little guy kick about 2 weeks ago, which is good, at that point I think he was feeling left out. The dogs both had experienced the strange feeling of being kicked awake while napping on my tummy.

This picture is "Peanut's" heart and heart beat. Taken at one of our doctor's appointments. We have finally settled in with our "new" doctor here in San Antonio. Not as warm and fuzzy as the doctors in Houston, but she's nice and will have to due for now.

This is my favorite ultra sound picture so far. You can see his head, a hand and huge foot. No wonder he can put out some good kicks......
We've managed to get about 90 % of the boxes unpacked and put away. Our next project is clearing out "Peanut's" room and start on the decorating process. We've made a couple of trips to Babies R Us, and WOW..... totally overwhelmed is all I have to say. We finally picked out the theme a couple of weeks ago. Teddy bears and Puppy dogs..... ( with some trains thrown in there somewhere, if I know Greg well enough) Hard to believe that the time is nearing so quickly.....

This is our front living room, we had just finished decorating the Christmas tree, with YES really ornaments this year, and the train underneath. It's been a very long time since we actually put ornaments on the tree. Still a little unorganized, and not much furniture- but it looks much better than it did with all our trash boxes piled high in the corner.

This is the "breakfast nook" or our "dining room" I have big idea's for this room, just can't seem to find the time or energy to accomplish them. ( good projects for the family that will be visiting in the next couple of months..... hint,hint)

This is the family room. Probably the only room that is pretty much complete, with the exception of curtains and pictures on the walls.

As you can see from the picture above we did finally move into our new house on September 22, 2009 YIPPY!!!!! there was a brief time, where we weren't sure if we would ever get into the house. Even with the movers parked in front, it was still a question in our heads..... It poured cats and dogs that morning.... so the movers dodged rain drops through out the afternoon, but eventually got us unloaded and with very minimal damage.

Here's the guy's that made it all happen, both in Houston and San Antonio. We were very lucky to have the same group that packed and loaded us in Houston, be the lucky one's to unload us in San Antonio. Couldn't tell any names (since it's been awhile) but they were awesome. Even remembering how we had things arranged in the old house, and helping us find those few missing boxes that didn't get checked in coming off the truck. Thanks Guys !!!!!
Well, here was a very brief update from the past couple of months. We've settled into our new home, Greg is doing very well with his job and is loving it... I'm struggling with my job, and counting down the days until maternity leave. Pretty sure I won't be returning to Panera after "peanut" is born. The hours and juggling day care would be just to much for us. So I'm hoping to find something more on the part time level, that's closer to home and will work better with a day care schedule. Unless, my wonderful hubby tells me I can stay home full-time !!!!!!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season.
Greg and Tina