Again, I'm realizing just how fast time is flying by, and just how bad I've gotten with updating our blog. It's been crazy around here since our last update.
As most of you know by now, Greg has been transferred to the San Antonio office, which means we will be moving to San Antonio at the end of July. We've had a great time here in Houston over the past 6 years, we've made some amazing friends and you all will truly be missed. But just remember we are only "down the road"
It's been a slow process, but we finally have some pictures of our "new" home..... They finally started to stake out the property this past week, I know it's not much, but at least it's a starting point. We've found a beautiful house on the Northwest side of San Antonio (about 5 minutes) from Sea World. It's a newly developing area with lots of new shopping areas, schools and such.... I think it's going to be a good fit for us. Not to far for Greg to drive to the office, or me to get to work.
Looking towards the street from the back of our property

The Orange Stake is our property
Below is the front of the model home, that looks just like ours

"Lot Number 11"X marks the spot... 7746 Cortland Oak
At this point our time line is the movers will come in on July 30th and pack us up, then on the 31st they will load everything up and take it to a storage facility until we are ready to move in. We have a construction meeting this coming Thursday, so hopefully we will get a better idea of when we will be closing on the house. We're hoping for the first week of September. For the month of August we will be calling an extended stay hotel home..... should be very interesting with the dogs.We'll be heading to Colorado on July 9th for my nieces wedding and an Anniversary party for my parents. We are super excited to get out of this awful humidity and into a much dryer, cooler climate.
Two months ago, we thought this time would never come.... now we're struggling with the lack of time that we actually have left here in Houston. With Greg making the commute every week, it makes it tough to get organized and ready for this big adventure we are about to embark on.
My goal is to keep this blog updated weekly, with construction highlights and updates to our time-line for the next couple of months.