Hard to believe we are winding down from summer and getting ready for fall. If only the temperatures here in Texas reflected the coming Fall season. It's been a busy summer for us. Our trip to Chicago, Greg's travel schedule, Seaworld visits, and play group activities. We're now gearing up "emotionally and physically" to send our little dude off to "school" in 2 weeks. He will be attending what we call a "Mother's Day Out" program at a local church, 2 days a week from 9-2pm. It's going to be a HUGE change for us. I've been warned by several other mom's who made this transition last year, that it will be harder for me than for Hunter. But we both will be just fine !!!! I sure hope they are right. When we first registered him back in April, I was really excited about being able to "clean" the house and go grocery shopping without my little helper. As that first day nears, I'm realizing that cleaning and grocery shopping aren't going to be fun without my little helper in tow. My anxiety is already building just thinking about it.......

With it being so HOT here in Texas, we've had to readjust our schedule. And playing outside early in the morning is the only option. So we fill our afternoons with craft projects, baking and working on our colors, numbers and alphabet. BIG highlights, our little peanut can count to 10 all by himself, knows his colors and is starting to get the first few letters of the alphabet song by himself. His favorite sayings are " I need.".....(a snack, ect), and "I like..." he will go through a list of things he "likes" it's rather cute, and if you ask him " If he likes Shamu?" he will respond with " NO, I LOVE Shamu" Shamu has become his world the past couple of weeks, everything and anything dealing with Shamu he's all over it... He's even convinced when we head to the coast in October for a weekend at the beach he is going to catch Shamu while "fishing" !!!!

Last weekend we had to drop off Greg in Austin to begin his 2 weeks of traveling. So what's a mother and child to do when left to fend for themselves in Austin? Go to IKEA of course !!!!!! We had a great time strolling through the enormous store and wishfully dreaming of a complete home make over. On our way home, we stopped for lunch, and then hit the waves at Seaworld before watching The Shamu Rocks show for the last time this summer. It was a really long day, but we had such a good time hanging out together !!!!
It seems my creative side comes out in full force when Greg is out of town, and over flowed onto Hunter's breakfast plate. I'm pretty sure he was a little surprised by the smiling pancake I put in front of him. Although, it took him very little time to eat that smile all gone !!!!
Another EXTREMELY hot afternoon, and I was all out of crafty idea's to keep us busy. We carried in ALL the cushions from the front room and piled them on the floor, picked a movie, popped some popcorn and got comfy !!!!! Even though, we barely got through the opening credits of the movie before Hunter was already requesting another movie, it was still a ton of fun, and I'm pretty sure this little tradition will stick around for awhile.
It's been so fun to watch our little guy grow this summer, but the best part is watching him "learn to play" playing doctor is one of his favorite things to do and his patients are best when they are furry and have 4 legs.
A water baby in the works. This little guy LOVES anything and everything to do with water. And he has NO fear. He will run and jump in even if your not there to catch him, he is learning to blow bubbles, put his head in the water for a few seconds and float on his back. Watch out Michael Phelps- Hunter Garvey is coming to get you !!!!!
Some play group fun ~ we went to Build A Bear and all the kids had a great time !!!!
Cooling off with some water play and Popsicles !!!!!